At 10:52 AM 3/9/02 -0600, you wrote:
>George Upper wrote:
>about Pelecanos.
>I don't understand how anyone can find the
>in SHAME THE DEVIL anything but
>Well I'm feeling mightly lonely out here in seeing
flaws in Pelecanos. I
>kinda feel like I stepped into the middle of a
Pelecanos appreciation
>society meeting. I at least waited until he was off
list before I mentioned
>anything critical of his work.
No, I thought your points interesting, in part because they
were contrary to what's customarily voiced here, and in part
because you explained what you found weak about the plot, and
then defended your point, though you did back off a
I can recall only one response that actually addressed your
point about the preparation for the pizza-parlour heist, and
none that addressed your rebuttal. I wouldn't count saying
that you are wrong and that the respondent is a more
qualified authority, or that it's just a matter of opinion,
as addressing your point. That's not up to the usual high
level of debate here, IMHO, but maybe I missed something this
time around.
Personally, I've read one Pelecanos, A Firing Offense. I
liked his characterization. The people seemed real enough,
having made or making difficult decisions in their
uninspiring and corrupting jobs. I thought Pelecanos' style
clean, clear and unobtrusive. But I too thought the plot
weak. Minor characters were brought forward at the end,
indicating to me that they were disposable, which I seem to
recall they were.
I think I'll still read more of his work, but I found your
comments helpful.
Thanks Kerry
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