Re: RARA-AVIS: noir thoughts

From: George Upper (
Date: 22 Feb 2002

--- Rene Ribic <> wrote:
> (& even though I often find the news depressing -
> unlike most Thompson
> novels - I still like to keep up with it. I like to
> know what's going on
> & it seems to me that ignoring reality is a much
> closer analogy to
> sticking one's head up one's arse than actually
> looking at reality
> head-on).

Yep. To me, the best hard-boiled and noir (and any other art form, for that matter) do just that: look at reality head-on. The idea that noir = news is absurd, as I think miker knew when he said it (and hence the ;) ). There's an enormous difference between relating reality and creating new reality, which in essence is what good fiction does.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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