Re: RARA-AVIS: Oh, Kanada....

From: George Upper (
Date: 20 Feb 2002

--- Rene Ribic <> wrote:
> And just to get the road back on the show, ie, back
> on topic I've just
> begun to wonder what HB/noir novels deal with a
> doppelganger theme.
> Right now, I can't think of any but I'm sure there
> must be some &
> probably some well known ones (& probably one or two
> I've read).

Believe it or not, I'm in the process of writing a thesis on the doppleganger in southern (U.S.) hard-boiled detective fiction. My major focus is on James Lee Burke's HEAVEN'S PRISONERS and JDM's THE DEEP BLUE GOOD-BYE. I also reference Poe's Dupin stories and Mark Twain's PUDD'NHEAD WILSON, neither of which is hard-boiled, of course, but both of which are southern detective stories--and Twain certainly had his moments. (In fact, one of the earliest uses of the term "hard-boiled," according to the OED, was by Twain.)

I was going to include some other works, but I have more than enough primary material at this point. Right now I'm working on identifying not additional instances of the theme, but the significance of it
(although I would certainly welcome comments from any interested persons on either topic). Actually, right now I'm working on other things, but when I pick up my thesis again in a week or two, that's what I'll be doing.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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