Sorry to be a bit late in following this thread, but the cd
of D R reading Dora had musical backing from Gallon Drunk and
is very dark and bleak. The other Factory book is A State of
Denmark, which sadly has always evaded us, so can't comment.
I couldn't finish How The Dead Live, even too bleak for me.
Another non Factory book is The Crust On Its Uppers, a semi
autobiographical novel of a upper class, louche* young man's
adventures with the demi monde* and in the criminal
underworld of post war Britain.I read this on a lovely
holiday in Springtime Brittany, but it made me want a big gin
and 20 Players in a seedy club in Soho. Jane
(*Hey I got 2 of my favourite words in one sentence,
now how can i fit in defenestrate...)
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