Re: RARA-AVIS: Montreal Mobster

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 14 Feb 2002

Kerry <>
> Decades later it is alleged the Hells Angels use a more direct approach,
> intimidating Quebec officials by murdering prison guards and gunning down
> reporters. Perhaps another byproduct of global warming.

For maybe a decade, I've been reading Canadian mysteries of various sorts that featured motorcycle gangs as villains and saying, "How tired!" In Pennsylvania, we have cycle thugs who run meth networks and every so often kill someone, but mostly we have parades of vets or anti-helmet-law activists or whatever who try to get on TV to proclaim, "I'm an accountant and I ride a motorcycle." I don't think I've heard anybody say they were afraid of motorcycle gangs since the 1950s, and I was a little kid then and I might be mistaken. So I was embarrassed to read an actual news item recently about how bad the motorcycle gang problem is up north.

Joy, who has a motorcycling neighbor who's some sort of cop

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