Re: RARA-AVIS: Men's adventure

From: Scott Owen (
Date: 14 Feb 2002

>From: "Larson, Craig" <>
>I loved the Gannon series. Not sure who first
>put me on to those, but I rushed out and started
>looking for them. They're poorly-written, but about
>as gruesome as they get. You've got to stop mentioning
>these--the old book dollar only goes so far. I bought
>the first ten titles in the Hardman series after it was
>brought up last fall. Now, I've got to find the Mike
>Barry books.


It's a good thing you can find these pretty cheaply. And BTW, how many Gannons are there? I have two, but I seem to recall seeing a third title listed in Hubin.

Another good (as opposed to good-bad) series to look for is The Specialist. I forget the pseudonym, but the guy manning the typewriter is SF writer Jon Shirley.


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