Todd's friend wrote :
> after the palooka and company botched adapting David
> incredible First Blood, I wasn't inclined to give
Stallone a second
> chance.
Much as I hate the other Rambo films, I quite liked "First
Blood" & I thought it was very different in tone to the
mindless jingoism expressed in the sequels.Of course, the
fact is that I saw it when it came out & it wasn't
tainted by the later movies. I haven't read the book so
chances are that it doesn't measure up but as a stand alone
Hollywood thriller I thought it was fine.I even found the
Stallone character sympathetic, in as much as he had any
character aside from being a super killing machine. I found
the stuff about these "Executioner" & similar type
series' quite interesting as I've never paid attention to
them before assuming not much was going on.I've made this
error before, ie judging books by their covers & it's
always good to have intrepid souls inform you of what's out
there. I've read a "Destroyer" book & that was fun.
There's also a series written by Barry Malzberg under another
name (Mike Barry?), "Lone Wolf" that sound very interesting
but I've never seen them around. Has anyone read these?
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