RARA-AVIS: RE: Browne and Chandler

From: dlochte ( dlochte@adelphia.net)
Date: 12 Feb 2002

>From: "Rene Ribic" < rribic@optusnet.com.au>

>I was find it interesting to see who thought what about whom with the
>old writer guys like Browne & Spillane. It appears that Spillane was a
>fan of Browne's. That other seminal PI writer, Chandler had nowhere
>as high an opinion of him.

I know that Chandler looked down on all the writers who were obviously influenced by him. He was particularly critical of Ross Macdonald, probably because he seemed to offer the biggest challenge. But my fading memory tells me that in one of his letters Chandler singled out Browne and Roy Huggins for doing the best jobs of imitating his style. I also seem to recall that he and Browne were La Jolla neighbors, drank together and were as friendly as Chandler was to any competitor. Was there a letter critical of Browne that I missed?

Dick Lochte

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