Re: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy versus Cave. Split decision goes to Cave.

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 04 Feb 2002

Rene wrote:

"The Cave novel, by the way, drew a lot of comparisons with Iain Banks's 1st novel, "The Wasp Factory" which came out almost simultaneously . .

Although I have them both on my shelves, I have not read either, so I can't comment on any similarities or differences. However, they were not published simultaneously. Wasp Factory's copyright is 1984; And the Ass Saw the Angel's is 1989.

I've also got two unread Leonard Cohen books on those shelves, Beautiful Losers and The Favorite Game. Neither looks very hardboiled, though. According to the jacket copy, they are "daring" and "startling." Both are compared to Henry Miller.

Other published rock singers -- Jim Carroll (Basketball Diaries, Forced Entries and award winning poetry, although little of his rock is that good), Richard Hell (Go Now, a not bad junkie novel).


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