RARA-AVIS: Speaking of the Edgars . . . and Parker . . . Stout

From: Joy Matkowski ( jmatkowski1@home.com)
Date: 04 Feb 2002

> 1. The protagonist was forever cooking and eating, and the food didn't
> seem appealing. These days this "hobby" pops up all over the place in
> mysteries, which I blame on Parker.
A thought on the stair: Nero Wolfe's personal live-in cook and rigid meal schedule never (well, maybe once or twice) bothered me, any more than the yellow pajamas, personal orchid gardener on the brownstone roof, globe in the library, and the rest of the setup. But Stout never took that foodie stuff seriously!

Joy, who refers you to the amazon.com kitchenware user reviews, should you
 ever need to be disabused of the notion that only fiction readers are

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