RE: RARA-AVIS: black cherry blues

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 03 Feb 2002

neil says:

Yep, and those descriptions pretty much show up nearly the same in every book he writes. Same with past experiences. I guess that's not so bad, since it's the voice of this character (why should it ever change?), but I notice it more now, like it's formula.


well, i'm sorry to hear that. i haven't read all his other books, but i can identify with what you are saying. i've read two books by jd macdonald, and both the plots and the ending were similar... "formula", maybe. mix damsel in distress with a fist fight or two and an ending where he's solved the case but damage has been done and it still isn't a very happy ending. i've read enough vachss that i don't think i'll ever read another burke book.

there's a danger to writing a series. its convenient for both writer, publisher, and even reader sometimes. but the same-ole same-ole becomes bland.

do the books in a series generally get better later in the series, or worse? i'm betting worse. beating a dead horse is not inspirational. i've heard parker's stuff gets worse, but i've heard that block's best scudder is towards the end.


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