> >usually amazon is a good source for
> >used books.
> ...but rarely the most economical one: I have a
friend who sells books on
> the Internet, and only one of his many stories
concerns the paperback he
> bought for $5.00, then filled a request from Amazon,
they paying him
> ... before turning around and selling the same book
to their customer for
> something like $80.00 . Nice work if you can get it.
[Amazon doesn't
> "stock" used books; but if you want, they'll find it
for you. For an ever
> so modest mark-up.]
> Other's have mentioned Powell's, but even they are
A friend of mine buys used books to resell. He has told me
that people who do the same thing are now buying for Powell's
(He is in Philadelphia). He thinks Powells sells to Amazon.
Both my kids are going to school in Portland so I can get
their books without paying their high postage & handling
charges. Even eliminating those, they are fairly expensive. I
concur in using ABE or half.com Just ignore the dealers who
charge $50 or $75 for a book. IVirtually all the time you can
find a 'reading copy' for $3
There are other sites that compare prices. Try
or my favorite,
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