From: "Carrie Pruett" <>
> All very interesting, but how was he played? The
casino robbery appeared
> be foiled, so where did the money come from? Am I
> the movie?
Spoilers ahead...
My take is that the South African woman and the croupier's
father arranged the robbery, including placing Clive Owen in
his job, getting him to fall for the woman, etc., for some
shadowy third party, so they (the father and all) got their
money up front whether the robbery came off or not. So his
father urging him back into the casino (where he already
wanted to go) was really for the father's benefit - although
it worked out for the croupier as well.
I should say that like most really good movies, I felt that
enjoying CROUPIER didn't depend on a "understanding" what was
going on, although I was definitely trying to figure out
everything while I was watching it. A terrific film.
Hardboiled and Noir
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