RARA-AVIS: Jose Latour's Survey and Outcast

From: T.Kent Morgan ( tkmorgan@shaw.ca)
Date: 20 Jan 2002

Rather than make a gut response to Jose's survey, which would have been "a," I checked my tope ten lists for the past five years. That confirmed my feeling that the books I primarily enjoyed had one main protagonist and a small number of other major characters. Doing the check also reminded me that Outcast was near the top of my list a couple of years ago and I would recommend it. I originally had trouble finding a copy and had to special order mine from the States through my local independent mystery store. Our Winnipeg library system has had a copy on order for months. Hopefully, it's easier to find in the U.S. although I have never seen copies in the large bookstores I visited in the Twin Cities or Fargo.

Kent Morgan in Winnipeg

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