There are quite a few hardboiled historical series around,
but most of them focus on the 1930s throught the 1950s. I'm
thinking of Collins' Nate Heller series, Stuart Kaminsky's
Toby Peters books, and the LeVine books by Andrew Bergman
(winner, best title: THE BIG KISS-OFF OF 1944). But these are
really set in the fictional world of fiction that was
contemporary at that time. The best hardboiled fiction that
I've read that really stretches beyond the familiar "Black
Mask" world is the Bernie Gunther series by Philip Kerr,
which is set in Berlin and Vienna during the days before and
after World War II. And yes, three of Pelecanos' "D. C.
Quartet" are historical, if you count novels set in 1976 and
1986 as historical (THE BIG BLOWDOWN, set from 1939-59, is
clearly historical fiction).
Hardboiled and Noir
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