since I asked about recommendations of more recent authors
for someone who has read all of the 'classic' stuff, I
thought I would let you know what I went ahead and did and
what I thought.
I picked up the first Richard Stark, liked it a lot, and just
went and picked up the second. i imagine I will breeze
through the series.
I picked up the first of George Pelaconos' Nick Stefano
trilogy and loved it. I just picked up the second one and
imagine I will read anything and everything i can get my
hands on by this author. (Thanks Mr. P!). Besides being great
books Nick is also pretty much my generation, so all the
musical refs etc are meaningful. I have also spent time in
the D.C. area and environs.
I also picked up Eric Ambler's Coffin for Dimitrious, and
that's pretty good too.
I am looking for the Blue Dhalia, will try that out when I
find that.
Also picked up Who Killed Palomino Molero? by Mario Vargas
Llosa. I'll let you know.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll probably get to the
Lansdale, Rankin, Hiassen eventually.
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