Matt asked:
"I have never read anything by Paretsky, Leonard, Parker,
Ellroy, Grafton (except a short story here or there from an
I lost interest in Parker, became very frustrated with him,
but even I must admit the early Spensers were good.
I like Paretsky, but not Grafton. It seems most people prefer
one to the other, but more probably fall on the other side of
the divide from me.
Enough people have already addressed Ellroy.
Considering those you listed as liking, you really should
read Leonard, just start with his earlier crime novels, not
his more recent ones.
You must read Richard Stark. Start with the first, The Hunter
(AKA Point Blank, AKA Payback), and you'll probably keep
And if you like that, also check out Dan J Marlowe's The Name
of the Game is Death.
As someone noted, Lansdale's books, at least the Hap and
Leonard books are not your ordinary series, but they are
great. I keep meaning to read his one-shots.
Have you read Edward Bunker? No Beast So Fierce (AKA Straight
Time), in particular, is recommended.
And let me add my recommendation that you continue Willeford
with the Hoke Mosleys.
Finally, on a completely different note, have you read Derek
Raymond or any of his Brit compatriots in the Fresh
Blood/Mask Noir school?
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