RARA-AVIS: cop guns

From: Charles Shafer ( Cshafer@ctitech.com)
Date: 11 Dec 2001

Mark asks about cops carrying their guns off duty.

I was a big city cop from the late 60's to early 90's, doing work that had me traveling to other big cities, giving me a bit of knowledge how other departments work.

Procedure varies, but in this case they're all alike.

So here's the gun rule as I know it. First, departments cannot make their cops carry guns off duty. What they can do, is make it policy that should you see police action need be taken, you must act. (cops have been fired for failing to do so)

Therefore, 99 and 44 hundred percent of cops carry their weapons off duty. It's not that they're showing off, or trying to act the big shot, only that it makes good common sense.

May I add. When off duty, cops will act if something serious should happen in front of them, say a purse snatching, like that. But a traffic accident, or say a bar fight--no way. It just isn't worth it. Better to put a call into communications, and let nature take its course. Of course you identify yourself, in case you should be needed as a witness.

Charlie Taylorville, IL

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