RE: RARA-AVIS: DC nonfiction: one example: Pruett

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 10 Dec 2001

Rather dated now, widely praised when released in '94, is DREAM CITY: RACE, POWER, AND THE DECLINE OF DC, by Tom Sherwood and Harry Jaffe, published by Simon & Schuster.

I haven't read it yet, and haven't seen the notes to THE SWEET FOREVER, but... TM

-----Original Message----- From: Carrie Pruett [mailto:]

While we're talking about DC crime fiction, I'm curious about good nonfiction books that deal with the recent history of the city, particularly

the interplay between federal and city authorities, arguments for statehood etc. I know that Pelecanos recommends a book in the notes to "The Sweet Forever," though I'm blanking on the title; are there others in the same vein, perhaps some more recent?

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