RE: RARA-AVIS: deep blue goodbye

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 06 Dec 2001

It's kind of a pity that almost all of what's out on the racks are the McGee novels, which I enjoy, but which aren't up to some of the non-series books. Just read DRESS HER IN INDIGO, myself, and am close to having read all the McGees. My own constant recommendation is THE EXECUTIONERS, aka CAPE FEAR
(the book is much better than either movie), but the only non-McGee in a Barnes & Noble I was in the other day was CONDOMINIUM.

From previous go-rounds on the list, I'd say most would recommend SLAM THE BIG DOOR highly, as well. Haven't checked for its print status.

Picked up my first issue of SHORT STORIES, the pulp Dorothy McIlwraith was editing (as "D. McIlwraith," since it was a magazine of Manly Fiction) when she had WEIRD TALES thrust upon her and started publishing the seminal work of Robert Bloch, Manly Wade Wellman, Ray Bradbury, et alii. It carries a sports story by MacDonald, which as a 1946 publication was presumably one of his earlier fiction sales, and it's interesting to see how good he is even then, and how he's not quite got it down what to leave in and leave out
(though those who grow tired of McGee's lecturing the reader may suggest he never quite did). The story is probably in THE GOOD OLD STUFF or its sequel, but I haven't picked these up yet. TM

-----Original Message----- From: Robison Michael R CNIN [mailto:] Subject: RARA-AVIS: deep blue goodbye read my first travis mcgee book a short time ago. for most of the book i was kinda skeptical. there didn't seem to be a lot of suspense or action or interesting character development and the plot was taking its sweet time so i got a bit sleepy and the dimestore philoso- phizing about gagged me, but the ending was powerful, moving, and scary. very exciting.

i'll read more of JD MacDonald. any recommendations on other good ones in print?

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