Re: RARA-AVIS: Washington writers

From: M Blumenthal (
Date: 02 Dec 2001

Mark Sullivan:.
> As for the music in George's books. As well as good reportage of the DC
> scene, George's musical choices also provide insight into the characters
> who listen to the various strains. Mark B and I were recently
> discussing this off list (it's also come up here before), that there is
> some polarity among readers about these shout outs. It really annoys
> some people, while others get a big kick out of it. We agreed that
> generation might play some role in the reaction.

I'm presently into the third of George's books so I've been able to overcome my annoyance at all the music. I even knew one of the songs recently. If you don't, the music references are not going to mean anything and be annoying. Realistically, why don't people people in a book that is usually set in a short time period listen to the same song occasionally? . Mark

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