Re: RARA-AVIS: John Francis Cuddy II

From: George Upper (
Date: 28 Nov 2001

--- Jeremiah Healy <> wrote:
> As to "Terry Devane" for a pseudonym, a little more
> complicated. The
> lead character in the new legal thriller series is a
> young, female,
> Irish-American attorney. "Terry" is gender-neutral,
> because I didn't
> want to seem to be "impersonating" the other gender.


Do you mind if I quote you on that? I'm doing a paper about Carroll John Daly and gender issues in which I argue that his first PI protagonist, Terry Mack, is intentionally gender neutral. Knowing that another h-b writer at least had the same thought at a different time might make, if not a particularly strong argument, at least an interesting footnote.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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