Re: RARA-AVIS: Boston

From: M Blumenthal (
Date: 23 Nov 2001

Mark S asked,

> So what is it about Boston? Sure, these
> writers are native to the area, so they're writing about what they know,
> but is there any other reason so many ficitional PIs have clustered in
> this city? Is it due to anything more than crapshooting publishers
> thinking, Hey, maybe it's the setting that made Spenser popular, so
> let's find some more PIs from Boston?

I think it's academic atmosphere. The many colleges have been the reason so many tech and biotech companies in the area. Professors may continue to teach until their scientific or literary enterprises become successful enough to sustain them.

As far as other detectives in the area I mentioned Tapply's Brady Coyne who is a lawyer who functions as a detective but is softer than most list members would prefer. There is Rick Boyer's Doc Adams who also functions as a detective and may be a little harder. Mark and I earlier mentioned Robert Reeves whose protagonist is a university professor who plays a similar role as the others. There is also Richard Rosen's Harvey Blissberg who is a retired baseball pitcher turned private eye. I read the first three and have the fourth but not read it. As I remember I liked the books less well as the series progressed. I also mentioned Francis Xavier Flynn who is a Boston police inspector. He appeared first in the second Gregory McDonald Fletch book and went on to be in a three book series which is harder than the one it originated in. I know there are others, but I'm not familiar with them Mark.

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