> This is just a sidebar, I know, but I always thought
of Hiassen's
> stuff as carrying on the tradition of hard-boiled
screwball types
> like Jonathan Latimer, Craig Rice and Shell
> The humour may be a little blacker, and even more
gonzo, but I
> definitely see them as an off-shoot of the
hard-boiled canon.
I read yesterday that the next Hiassen book backs off of the
over-the-top screwball stuff and reads more like a
traditional crime novel. Still funny, but I think he knew he
needed to get out of "Dave Berry" land, especially after DB
wrote his own screwball thriller influenced by CH.
Personally, I never found his work that interesting. Much
better for Florida writing is Willeford and John D. McDonald
(and Vic Gischler's new book GUN MONKEYS). But please,
please, someone put Tim Dorsey out of his misery. I can't
believe this guy is the heir apparent of Florida noir. Awful
Neil Smith PWG
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