Re: RARA-AVIS: San Francisco: Don Herron's tour

From: Scott Owen (
Date: 15 Oct 2001

>Is it really a four hour tour? That's long for a walking tour. Is it up
>and down a lot of hills?

It's been several years since I've been on it, but I do recall it taking up most of the afternoon (ultimately winding up at John's Grill for liquid refreshments, of course. Chops & tomatoes if you want 'em). It winds up & down Nob Hill a few times, but not on the steep streets. Reason it takes so long is that there are a lot of sites (it's amazing how much remains from the 1920s) and Herron has a lot to say about them all. There's also a break or two along the way.

And, for no extra charge, he'll point out a Williford sight or two on request.


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