From: <Mbdlevin:
. I might sound like a lunatic for countering Westlake
> but he's written a lot of books, and many writers
can't remember works
> long back (when was the interview given?). It could
be that Westlake
> remember the book going well, or felt he had to
trump up the plot line to
> meet a deadline or some such. Regardless, I didn't
feel that the book was
> "spoiled."
Doug - The url of the article is
I don't think you can argue with an author saying something
was not in character for someone he has created. If he had
been writing a James Bond novel or the like you could say
that, but he is God for anybody he alone created. Sure, he
might forget about a minor character --. we have already
noted he brought back Ed Mackey from the dead--but he has
written about twenty books with Parker as the protagonist. .
If he feels the reasons he gave for Parker going to help Joe
Sheer couldn't hold up, even if he doesn't remember the
details, he has to be correct. Mark
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