George Upper:
> I'm glad I kept reading after Carrie's post,
> my first instinct was to hit "reply" and say more
> less what you just said. THE JUDAS GOAT, however,
> the fifth Spenser book, not the third. I'm not
> that I would say it "made" the series, but I've
> before that I consider books 4-6 the best of
> series. Hawk first appears in book 4, THE
George, You're right about the order. I just looked at my
copy of the book which listed it third. I was quoting
something I had read when I said it made the series, but I do
think the action around the world, the idea of hunting people
to get them dead or alive, and most important maybe, the
addition of Hawk helped to distinguish it from many similar
p. i. series. It's been a long time since I read the books,
but I do remember in PROMISED LAND Hawk was Spenser's chief
opponent. It's somewhat like Hammett writing another Sam
Spaade novel in which Casper Gutman and Spade become allies.
In the following three or four books Hawk takes an almost
superhuman quality. I started getting disenchanted when Hawk
didn't magically appear from nowhere at the last minute to
save Spenser. Mark
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