Re: RARA-AVIS: Wade Miller in the AACR

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 18 Sep 2001

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Jess Nevins wrote:

> > I was browsing through it and came across mention of a relatively obscure
> > writer we know about:
> > | 21.6D1 If two or more persons collaborate and use a single pseudonym,
> > | use the pseudonym as the heading for a work produced by their
> > | collaboration. Refer to the pseudonym from their names.
> > | Deadly weapon / Wade Miller
> > | (Wade Miller is the joint pseudonym of Bill Miller and Bob Wade)
> > | Main entry under the pseudonym
> > | References to the pseydonym from the headings for Miller and Wade

Is the sentence in brackets by you, Bill? Would Robert Wade be called Bob Wade in a scientific book? Was this actually written by someone who knows him? "The Deadly Weapon" - isn't it their first one? I think it was mentioned by Julian Symons in "Bloody Murder", so it's canonized alright. But an amusing anecdote nevertheless.


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