> This guy who actually looks very much
> Hamilton walks across me quite often.
Well, that's gotta hurt. Why don't you ask him to stop?
I've been reading Lawrence Block lately - love the Matt
Scudder series, like the one Bernie Rhodenbarr book I've
started fine but not jazzed by it. What else has Block
written that's worth pursuing?
I also picked up the nominally nonfiction "A Criminal History
of Mankind" by Colin Wilson. I say "nominally" because
although most of the writing seems informative and even of
high interest to a hardboiled fan like myself, Wilson keeps
throwing in tangents about the paranormal, of which he's
apparently an enthusiastic believer. He goes on for something
like five pages about telepathy. I'm about 150 pages in and
he's toned that stuff down for a while, but still, I mean,
c'mon. Is there a better resource for an introductory book on
criminology I should look for?
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