Some concrete examples of Marlowe's sexism and racism would
be greatly appreciated, at this point.
Because to simply dismiss Marlowe as some moralizing, racist
sexist is to completely misread the character, to the extent
I have to wonder if some of you ever read Chandler's books,
or are relying on half-baked theories from people with their
own political agendas who haven't read the books
Sure, by the standards of today that at least some of you
hold, Marlowe was very much yesterday's man, but by that
era's standards, he was definitely better than most. And
really, even by today's standards, while nobody would
consider him a bleeding heart, he still seems a far cry from
the monster that some of you seem to see him as.
In the meantime, you want some sexism and dubious moralizing,
read some of those allegedly "feminist" novels that sprung up
post-Paretsky and Grafton. Or some of those
neo-ultra-hard-boiled dick-waving extravaganzas trying to
pass themselves off as VERY IMPORTANT BOOKS.
-- Kevin -- # To unsubscribe from the regular list, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" to # This will not work for the digest version. # The web pages for the list are at .
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