Re: RARA-AVIS: My Alleged Gender Bigotry

Date: 27 Aug 2001

In a message dated 27/08/01 03:46:49 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

 We are reading a fictional genre, not true crime (not claiming that the
 literature of true crime is not a genre of its own).
I agree, and would say to you all now: NEVER POST WHEN TIPSY Sorry, yep I got my Spade's and Marlowe's in a twist. However, I think my rant had a core of truth to it.... As to the truth of HB, I don't really mean versimilitude, I wouldn't know how a 1950's LA vice cop should behave anyway, but a moral truth. I am only going on what I have read and liked which is mainly Thompson, Derek Raymond, Hammett, Chandler, Woolrich, Ellroy, Goodis and Bunker... I think they are great writers and do write moral truths, I was first switched on to Thompson by a cover blurb that called him the "dime-store Dostoyevsky," and I do think that some writers in HB are worthy of that comparison. Gawd bless subjectivity. All the best all Yrs in Sobriety Colin

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