On 26 July 2001, PlotBox wrote:
: looking for a list of crime stories related to cooking,
better with
: gourmet characters. After Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe, a good
: example is Pepe Carvalho, the catalan gourmet detective by
: Vằuez Montalbᮮ Please, not "recipes-for-ladies romantic
: novels", you know...
Surely there are no truly hardboiled stories that dwell on
cooking, beyond quick meals at diners and sumptuous feasts
laid on by corrupt city bosses. Haven't people here made an
inverse relationship between Spenser's toughness and his
cooking? There is that pie recipe at the end of the first of
Willeford's Hoke Moseley books, but Betsy Willeford here said
it wasn't worth making.
We don't want to get into making lists of general mysteries.
rec.arts.mystery is the place for that.
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.
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