RARA-AVIS: Adverbial adviosry; Mr. T pities fool

From: Todd Mason ( Todd.Mason@tvguide.com)
Date: 23 Jul 2001

I'm with James Reasoner. Particularly when half-asleep, I love adverbs, the more polysyllabic the better. When fully conscious, I reach for the bite-sized ones.

I've been alternating reading WAIT UNTIL DARK (four novellas of romantic suspense published by Pocket) with THE MYSTERIOUS PRESS ANNIVERSARY ANTHOLOGY...and there was a passage in the DKA story (otherwise quite good, if not up to JG at his best, like the other DKA stories I've read) that was very much in the HB stereotypical tradtion...wish I could remember it, but it was right up there with "he lipped thinly" or what James Blish detailed as "the cigaret bit, the whiskey bit...". TM

-----Original Message----- From: Mario Taboada [mailto: matrxtech@yahoo.com]

<[stereotypically femininely?] not wanting to take her own story completely seriously).>>

Todd, you have exceeded your monthly adverb limit. A record of double adverbiation will be detrimental to your creditworthiness and to your reputation as a word engineer.

Offtopically yours,

MrT Customer Service

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