Although I have expressed my dislike for his work on here the
boy Timlin always gets his pints down and Derek Raymond - as
well as sending many a reader off for a stiff one, wrote well
on pub life and drink in the hugely fantastic He Died With
His Eyes Open, aaaahhhh reasons to be cheerful. The Demon
Dawg has had alky characters and Pop 1280 by Jim Thompson is
pretty pickled. What about drugs then?? Sherlock (sorry hard
boiled fellahs!) had his coke and Timlin's Sharman does a
fair whack o' stuff - if not why not? I demand to read about
the Junkie Tec - a slight aside and a recent read is The
Scene by Clarence Cooper Jr (UK Payback Press) reccomended,
an interesting read on the drugs trade in an unnamed US city,
controlled by, who else but THE MAN? And Jack O'Connels Box
Nine (I remembered it! Muted roar of delight from The Forest
of Dean) features the fictional drug Lingo, and the female
cop is a crank snorting motor head of the highest order. Must
go to the pub now. Kind regards Colin
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