invites you to read another issue of brutal subversive
hard-boiled and noir writing from cutting edge Crimedogs. For
the summer, we took a break from wandering around New
Orleans's funeral parlors and bars in order to gather some
blistering fiction, a Hard-boiled Dixie about film noir, and
an interview with a rising star in the field.
Kent Westmoreland sits down with New Orleans writer ROBERT
SKINNER, author of the critically acclaimed Wesley Farrell
series, whose latest book PALE SHADOW explores the Big Easy
of the 40s through the eyes of one of the most compelling
characters of recent hard-boiled fiction. Read the interview,
buy the books, get with the program.
We've got part two of Frederick Zackel's novella DARK RED AND
DEADLY, continuing to cut and slash its way through our pages
and again leaving your nerves hanging on edge, desperately
waiting for the next installment.
And new stories from Michael Hansen, R.J. Comer, Miles
Archer, Louise Guardino, James McGowan, and Laird Long. We're
also proud to debut Mark Carpineta, James Winter, and Leo
Wrestle your laptop to the ground and demand that it visit
the Internet hard-boiled crime writing journal.
Thanks, Neil Smith editor, PLOTS WITH GUNS
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