Thanks Doug for the notice of Hugh B. Cave's 91st birthday.
That is such good news. I think I first read him when I
picked up his Haiti novel and discovered his pulp fiction
when stories were reprinted in Startling Mystery Stories and
the other Health Knowledge mags back in the late 60s and
early 70s. It is amazing how he has remained active and
creative so late in life. It reminds me of another old
pulpster E. Hoffman Price. One day soon I am going to check
into your website and order Cave's book as well as others
such as the Clark Howard.
Please give that grand old man my best wishes and I hope to
be reading his stories for years to come.
Todd's comment about Ziff-Davis buying all rights to stories
and his mention of the Ultimate Publications that reprinted
without payment reminded me of a story. Robert Moore Williams
became so outraged at this practice that he picketed
newstands carrying the Ultimate Publications and it resulted
in a newspaper article and picture.
Richard A. Moore
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