> I've seen none of his short fiction.
> > Has Lethem published a collection?
AS SHE CLIMBED... was a novel. I think the collection is
called AMNESIA MOON. He also edited a recent book of amnesia
stories, which I think is out on Vintage Crime, although I've
never seen a copy. He's an interesting case--started with
sci-fi magazines, then just started deconstructing genres,
from sci-fi to speculative to the campus comedy (AS SHE
CLIMBED...) to hardboiled to westerns (mixing and matching as
he goes). But he has recently decided to try placing things
with more literary magazines. McSweeney's published a novella
of his in hardback. It costs ten books, looks nice.
I still think the most impressive thing about MOTHERLESS
BROOKLYN is its dismantling of a typical detective's
hard-boiled language through the Tourette's Syndrome
narrator. Like that joke early on in the book that won't get
out of Lionel's brain, just keeps circling, mutating, growing
in different directions.
Neil Smith
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