RARA-AVIS: Remain(der)s of Spillane: Southpaw

From: Todd Mason ( Todd.Mason@tvguide.com)
Date: 02 Jul 2001

If that's the case, it wouldn't be Borders dumping 'em (unless they were damaged in transit and NAL didn't request return for credit) but NAL/Penguin itself. TM

-----Original Message----- From: southpaw@altavista.net [mailto: southpaw@altavista.net]

Borders Books is remaindering (in NYC, at least) volume 1 of 'The Mike Hammer Collection,' a paperback volume containing three Spillane novels
(I, THE JURY, MY GUN IS QUICK, VENGEANCE IS MINE), originally published by New American Library for $15.

Borders is selling it for $2.99. I don't know why Borders is dumping it at this price, though; the book just came out last month.

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