If publishers are the ones to decide and not librarians or
someone with the overall system of libraries, why are those
works shelved in their genre ghettos? I would have assumed
that libraries follow the Library of Congress not publishers.
Frankly, I don't see any point in separating non-fiction from
fiction and adult from children in a library. This is a
quandary ... I'll have to ask my cubical neighbor. His wife
as been an assistant director of several libraries and has
just taken over as a direct in Florida of the library system
around Pensacola.
-- Anthony Dauer Alexandria, VA
HBO's Six Feet Under Discussion
----- Original Message ----- From: <jjnevins@ix.netcom.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:22 PM
> In my years as a public librarian I've come to see something almost > sinister about it. Why is Stephen King filed under Fiction? Why is > Robert Olen Butler's MR. SPACEMAN filed under Fiction? Why is > Jack Cady's THE NIGHT WE BURIED ROAD DOG filed under Fiction? > > Because, I'm beginning to think, the publishers feel that if they > put them in genre ghettos, where they properly belong, they won't > sell or circulate.
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