I thought I'd make a bried report on the Bloody Words mystery
convention held here in Toronto this weekend. At least five
rare birds were there: Kevin Burton Smith, Kerry Schooley,
Marianne Macdonald, a lurker, and me. Mr. Schooley, Ms.
Macdondald and I moderated panel discussions, so we're slowly
gaining in our battle against recipes and arsenic-laden
antimacassars. (Mine didn't go perfectly but they did fine
jobs. Jose Latour, who wrote OUTCAST, was on mine, and said
some really interesting things about noir writing in Central
and South America, none of which I can remember now.)
The list seems to be pretty well known, and a few people
mentioned they read the list through the archives on the web
site. They all gave high marks for the quality of discussion
and expertise, so congratulations to everyone.
Loren D. Estleman was a guest of honour. I got to talk to him
a couple of times, and Mr. Smith and I had a drink with him
and his wife and some others on Friday night. He knows tons
about film noir and old hardboiled stuff, and quoted the line
from THE MALTESE FALCON that gives the name to the list off
the top of his head. Anyone reading this list would have a
great time talking to him, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to
reading the rest of the Amos Walker series, and more of his
westerns and other books.
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.
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