Re: RARA-AVIS: Jones Men

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 27 May 2001

Keith wrote:

"Hmmm, I had assumed that "P" stood for product."

That would work.

"THE JONES MEN was a fine read, my preferred of the reissues by Old School Books from a couple of years back. Did anyone try S.R.O by Robert Deane Pharr? I could not get through it; too bleak. . . . Call me soft-boiled but I like my reads to leave me with an inkling of redemption, that it is at least a remote possibility."

Out of curiosity, where was the redemption in Jones Men? SPOILER ALERT
-- Everyone dies except the hitmen, the mobsters and the two main cops. And the cops recognize the futility of their jobs, noting that other Jones Men will soon pop up in the places of those who died, plus there will be a lot more killings as the various contenders vie for the business.

Perhaps you're talking about personal redemption, though?

". . . one reason I am not a Jim Thompson fan is the absence (in what I've read) of this feeling. Same can be said of Teran's GOD IS A BULLET; too nihilistic for my tastes."

Really? I thought the ending of Bullet was one of redemption as the main characters turn their backs on corrupt society and go off to build and define their new family.


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