Re: RARA-AVIS: Vachss

From: George Upper (
Date: 08 May 2001

--- KT <> wrote:
> At 5/8/01 01:33 PM, Karin Montin wrote:
> >Babies sold for their organs -- in New York City?
> Isn't that one of those
> >legends that has never been substantiated, even in
> Third World countries?
> No.
> --KT

Umm, yes. If you visit that site, you'll notice that the stories are mostly about illegal organ sales--most of them have nothing to do with children, much less babies, much less "stolen" babies. Two of the stories, which are about the same incident, mention a five-year-old boy whom his grandmother allegedly attempted to sell for his organs, but he is neither a baby nor a stolen one. (Which, by the way, is not intended as a defense of his grandmother--the story is disgusting.)


===== George C. Upper III UNC-Greensboro
(336) 393-0013 The city don't know that the city is getting... a show with everything but Yul Brynner

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