>I'm due to moderate a panel at the Bloody Words
convention here in Toronto
>next month: "Mean Streets and Dark Alleys." There was
nothing hardboiled
>at the last one, so this is a step in the right
direction, although Loren
>Estleman (the guest of honour) isn't on
>Thing is, I don't know anything about the four
writers who are to be on
>the panel: Peter Chambers, Jose Latour, Gregory Ward
and Chris Rippen.
>Does anyone know them? Do they write hardboiled or
noirish stuff?
Hey, great! I'll see you there!
I think Ward is Canadian, and I think Peter Chambers is a
Brit who writes about a American P.I. named Mark Preston. His
real name's Dennis Phillips LaTour is a Cuban who wrote a
great little book called OUTCAST, a sort of noir tale of
betrayal and revenge set in Havana and Miami's Cuban
community. It was short-listed for an Edgar, and it's
received some pretty good press (including, I must admit, by
me, on the January site). Chris Rippen? No idea.
Kevin Burton Smith The Thrilling Detective Web Site http://www.thrillingdetective.com
Now online: The P.I. Poll Grab Bag. Fiction by Laura Lippman, Darren Subarton, Robert Hoyden and Kent Westmoreland. And the debut of FEMME NOIR.
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