Re: RARA-AVIS: Ford vs. Riggs

Date: 27 Apr 2001

> A good example is Billie Sue Mosiman, an excellent
> hardboiled voice producing a very different type of story,
> a story that per se would not necessarily catch the eye of
> the hardboiled fan. Her fiction is not marketed as
> hardboiled, nor does it indulge in the cliché³ of the
> subgenre, but in spirit it's hardboiled.

I thought the early work of Jean Rhys gave us another hard-boiled voice, not marketed thus and not typical and not a crime writer, but the worldview of the leading characters seemed to echo Cain's and Hammett's work (Rhys and the HB guys were near-contemporaries, though I doubt they were reading each other, but maybe they were).

So, yeah, you find the HB voice in many places, some you wouldn't expect.

Neil Smith

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