Re: RARA-AVIS: [John] [Ross] Macdonald

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 24 Apr 2001

Bill wrote:

"With THE DROWNING POOL (1950) he became John Ross Macdonald after John D. MacDonald complained. In 1956, THE BARBAROUS COAST was published as by Ross Macdonald and he continued with that name."

Evidently, the old names lingered for a while. I have a 1961 Pocket Book paperback of The Way Some People Die with the name John Ross Macdonald on it. Of course, it's a third printing, so I'm sure they just reprinted the same cover as the previous ones.

It also reminded me, I love how the old Pocket Books featured a "Cast of Characters," which listed the page on which each first appeared, beginning with: "Lew Archer, private detective with ping-pong repartee."


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