RARA-AVIS: new crumley

From: Ann Chambers Theis ( theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us)
Date: 24 Apr 2001

I'm seriously buried at work, but ran across a new entry of interest in one of my ordering databases today. The entry is for: THE FINAL COUNTRY by James Crumley (Milo Milodragovitch) listed as an August release from Mysterious Press (based on ISBN information).

And, I just received our order for the MYSTERIOUS PRESS ANNIVERSARY ANTHOLOGY- celebrating 25 years, which includes stories by Westlake, Crumley, Gores, Estleman, William Marshall, McBain, Lansdale and others.

Well, back to budget stuff and AV orders.

Ann Chambers Theis ~ theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us Collection Management Administrator, Chesterfield County Public Library (VA) Overbooked, a resource for ravenous readers - http://www.overbooked.org

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