Re: RARA-AVIS: i've been listening

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 18 Apr 2001

> Miker, The only comment I would make is to drop the second Chandler book
> from your list, and just read The Big Sleep first, before you make a big
> investment in the Chandler cannon. By purchasing The Big Sleep I lost $12
> and lost several hours of time that I'll never get back. Friends don't let
> friends buy Chandler. --Brian

What kind of friend are you? Sorry you didn't like The Big Sleep, but Farewell, My Lovely and The Long Goodbye are necessary and important hard-boiled/noir reads. Chandler isn't one of my top five favorites, but I admit that he's a great writer, almost poetic, and he influenced so many detective writers that even those trying to work against the grain, like Crumley and Ellory, had to tip their hats to him at one time or another.

Neil Smith

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