R: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy's new one: why France first?

From: Manuela Selvi ( manuelaselvi@tiscalinet.it)
Date: 03 Apr 2001

Here in Italy Ellroy's new book came out last Saturday (I mean, I bought it then). Yesterday Ellroy was in Milan for a press meeting, and today he's reading excerpts from the novel in a meeting in a bookshop. So I think the delay for English-speaking countries is definite plan from Ellroy himself. But don't ask me its meaning...


Luca Conti

luca.con@tiscalinet.it luconti@tin.it



The Hampton Hawes Web Site:


-----Messaggio originale----- Da: owner-rara-avis@icomm.ca [mailto: owner-rara-avis@icomm.ca]Per conto di William Denton Inviato: martedi 3 aprile 2001 17.46 A: RARA-AVIS Oggetto: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy's new one: why France first?

Does anyone know why Ellroy's new book, which many of us have been waiting for for years, is coming out first in translation in France? It seems pretty strange. If the publishers were trying to get it out as soon as possible, which one would think they were, why wouldn't they publish it in English while the translator works? Translating an Ellroy toe-crusher must take quite a while.


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat

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