Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: McGee, MacDonald et al....

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 03 Apr 2001

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Kevin Burton Smith wrote:

> And are JDM and Michael Collins' politics that different? Sure,
> McGee's a little more hands-on, but don't they both mostly tend to
> the left on matters on the environment, politics, big business,
> justice, etc?

They are said to be, but to me Collins is more concerned about the people and their environment. MacDonald seems to me to be only nostalgic about the past when everything was better. Romantic as he was.

> And in a moment of levity, I scrawled:
> >Stop the Saskatchewan Seal Hunt!
> To which Juri, always concerned about my health, bless his heart, responded:

I'm always concerned about everyone's health. So, how have you all been?
(But, really, don't respond.)

> Don't worry about me, Juri, I'm pretty sure Bill, like most good
> Canadians, is saving up his ammo for the Annual Toronto Polar Bear
> Hunt.

This must be some kind of an inside joke. I really thought there was a great seal massacre of 2001 going on. Something our papers mention only in passing. And as a journalist of a kind, I thought I should know.


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