RE: RARA-AVIS: Paul Auster

From: Jimzilla (
Date: 02 Apr 2001

Thanks for the responses, guys. I shall put Paul Auster on my must-read list.

Jim Johnston~>

For the record, in case you're looking for it, Auster's Squeeze Play was attributed to Paul Benjamin (Auster's middle name). I often see the paperback in used book stores. It's a PI novel set in the world of baseball. I remember it as being okay when I read it way back when
(long before I knew it was Auster), but don't really remember anything about it, which I usually do.

I've also read the NY York Trilogy. I read the first two as they came out in paper, with some time in between, thought they were okay, but not much more. It was one of the first postmodern-ish novels I had read, though. I later went back and read all three in quick succession. This time I thought a whole lot of them. But read them in order. The third references things in the first two.

The first in the trilogy, City of Glass, was also adapted as a graphic novel in Art Spiegelman's shortlived Neon Lit series (just two came out as far as I know -- too bad, I was looking forward to the third, Nightmare Alley).


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